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Editing Planar Tracker

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Editing Planar Tracker

PostMon May 06, 2024 7:33 am

Hi, is it possible to edit frame by frame the track created by the Planar Tracker? If i'm tracking an object that has motion blur sometimes it gets confused and the perspective or positioning isn't correct. Is there a video on the subject?
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Re: Editing Planar Tracker

PostMon May 06, 2024 11:02 am

nostraduckus wrote:Hi, is it possible to edit frame by frame the track created by the Planar Tracker? If i'm tracking an object that has motion blur sometimes it gets confused and the perspective or positioning isn't correct. Is there a video on the subject?

You can use editor and change tracking keyframes, but I don't find it all that useful, except for deleting key frames, however if you want to track behind occlusions like telephone pole or another person etc, use occlusion mask or effect mask, to exclude all not worth tracking. When it comes to motion blur, depending on the footage you can change all kinds of settings in the planar tracker itself for improved resolutions or you can prepare the image that you feed to tracker so its easier to track. Without seeing the footage you are trying to track, its hard to give specifics.

Depending on how much motion blur you have in the footage, it may be virtually impossible to get a good track, if you have really bad rolling shutter or erratic motion of a handheld footage etc. At some point there is a limit, although you can get far with various tricks. But there are other tools, like Mocha Pro for example that could probably get you the very difficult to track shot like terrible shaky hand held motion blur / rolling shutter footage of something. But still you need to do a lot of manual adjustments for really hard to track shots.

Most regular shots only need some tweaking of settings and approach to polygon area you are tracing etc.


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Re: Editing Planar Tracker

PostTue May 07, 2024 6:06 am

You can adjust your planar track to a certain extent, to correct slippage, by keyframing the Reference Time Positions in the Corner Pin. You ideally need four co planar corner points to work from to do it effectively. .I would begin by keyframing all four corners on the reference frame and work from there. Depending on whether you have your Merge Mode set to FG over BG or FG only it will be an adjusted corner pin or adjusted track etc.
One method that would be worth trying when the Corner Pin is set to the full rastor, would be to corner pin a background with four markers, lined up to co planar features on the reference frame, on the tracked surface and adjust the Reference Time Positions to keep them in place thoughout the track.

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