Follower/Expression Caching

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Jake Wipp

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Follower/Expression Caching

PostWed May 08, 2024 8:25 pm

I am having severe performance issues with the follower specifically when working with expressions and I think the solution is some sort of cache for expressions.

In the follower modifier, when adding a delay to the characters it appears Fusion is recalculating the expression for every letter on a different frame (depending on its delay). For example if the playhead is currently on frame 8 it also has to calculate the expression on frames 7, 6, 5, etc....

The value for x frame will be exactly the same for each letter so if Fusion can cache the expression it only needs to run it for the first letter significantly improving performance.

So I hope to see some sort of expression/follower caching implemented in the near future for stuff like this and to make edit page Fusion templates faster.

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